You can quickly and easily add items to your note dropdown lists. This is a huge time saver as selecting something from a list is much faster than typing it out (or handwriting it if you’re still using paper) each time. Here are the steps for adding an item to the list:
- Start with an inspection open in the InspectARide app.
- Go to the ‘Inspection Points’ view by tapping on the second icon from the left of the view bar.
- Next, tap on the ‘Note’ that you want to add a dropdown to.
- Tap on ‘Edit’.
- This brings up the ‘Edit List’ screen. To add a new item to the dropdown list simply tap in the large entry box, type in the new list item, and then tap on ‘Add New’ and it will be added to the list.
You can add as many items as you want to a dropdown using these steps.