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One of the big advantages software has over paper is the ability to select preset comments/notes from dropdowns. This can be a huge timesaver in that you can insert several words, sentences, or even paragraphs worth of information with a single tap which is much faster than having to handwrite it out.

Another advantage of dropdowns is consistency. Having standard comments in dropdowns allows you to use the same language every time you come across a particular problem or scenario. All you have to do is simply insert the comment you crafted to use when you see it and you can move on without having to spend time thinking about the best way to describe what you’re seeing.

InspectARide makes using dropdowns easy. You can include the language you want and work through your entire inspection with very little typing.

Are you interested in finding a better way to do your vehicle inspections? Start a free, 7-day trial of InspectARide to see how easy your inspections can be.