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The Finish Inspection View

The InspectARide app has four main views that display different information. The last view is Finish Inspection which has a checkmark for the view’s icon.


This view gives you some helpful information and gives you several options. First, it will give you a breakdown of how many items you marked with what rating. This can be very helpful to see, especially if you have a very detailed checklist that you use. Below that is a breakdown of any information that you didn’t fill out which helps ensure you don’t ‘miss’ something on the checklist. For the options, you can check the box for ‘Inspection Complete’. This isn’t necessary but is a helpful way to flag whether or not an inspection is finished or not. The next two options are for ‘Upload’ and ‘PDF’. If you tap on ‘Upload’ it will upload your inspection to your cloud drive. If you tap on ‘PDF’ it will turn the inspection into a PDF and send an email to yourself with the PDF attached.

Are you interested in finding a better way to do your vehicle inspections? Start a free, 7-day trial of InspectARide to see how easy your inspections can be.